A bulky uterus is the generalised swelling of the uterine wall. This means the uterine length is above the normal length of a uterus. A woman’s uterus is liable for maintaining the foetus and offer nourishment till the child is born. It is formed like an upside-down pear and is more or less the scale of a fist. The uterus can increase in a few conditions, along with pregnancy. If the uterus is starting to increase due to resons aside from pregnancy, it's far an extreme situation and wishes clinical attention. A woman can experience a few heavinesses in her decreased abdomen, and the situation also can result in intense ache and bleeding.
There is a list of common symptoms of a bulky uterus:
Commonly the diagnosis of enlarged uterus is often first detected during a routine pelvic examination or while visiting a doctor due to irregular menstruation cycles. When it's been picked up by a gynecologist, the doctor ensures that it hasn't grown because of any malignant condition or pregnancy. A pregnancy test is done to rule out pregnancy, and imaging tests are done to look for any complications in the uterus.
Ovoria Egg Bank
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