About us

About Ovoria

A science-driven, customer-oriented worldwide egg donor bank.

We are making new life possible by offering the highest quality donor oocytes for intended parents and fertility clinics. Launched in 2001, Ovoria unveiled the best standards in oocytes vitrification, thawing and distribution all over the world.

happy mom sleeping with her newborn baby

Why Us?

  • Science-driven egg donor bank

We implement the best donor traceability system, vitrification and thawing solutions by following the latest Kitazato recommendations. Our embryologists and fertility doctors study regularly ESHRE, ASRM egg donation scientific publications and guidelines

  • Family limit control

We carry out strict quality control of the live births number from each donor. In this way, we try not to exceed the maximum family limit in the particular country (for example, Austria has a 3 family limit; the UK has a 10 family limit)

  • Transparent ART industry standards
  • Quality in the first place
  • Worldwide delivery
ukrainian medicover fertility team standing together and smiling when looking at the camera

Clinical Team

Our highly experienced team of professionals includes fertility specialists, embryologists, geneticists who have academic degrees in medicine and are members of ESHRE, ASRM and UARM. They have been constantly improving their knowledge and skills, implementing cutting-edge techniques in order to turn your dream of a happy family into reality.

Trust the Leader

Combining the cutting edge cryo solutions, rigorous donor screening using extended genetic testing of 400+ gene disorders, Ovoria has become the leading egg donor bank on the market.

Ovoria is a licensed tissue centre that is operating according to the European Tissue Directive, Human Fertility and Embryology Authority (HFEA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Egg donor screening and genetic testing are performed according to the international ART associations requirements.

microscope image of a needle being put inside an egg cell and performing an examination

We Offer Complex Solution

Ovoria has its own clinical facilities based on Medicover fertility clinic in Ukraine where the complex egg donor process is managed: egg donor recruitment, screening, oocytes retrieval, vitrification, storage and distribution. We offer a comprehensive solution: from oocytes vitrification to the delivery of biomaterial to the customer clinic.

happy family of four with a hudband, wife and two little children hugging each other in their home

Real Life Values

Having 20 years of experience on the market and delivering oocytes to more than 50 clinics in over 30 countries worldwide, Ovoria has a deep understanding of customers’ needs: both individual patients and clinics. Ovoria is not only about success rates and guarantees systems, it is about excellent egg donor quality, desire to help women sense the happiness of motherhood. Aren’t these real life values?

Medicover Group

Medicover is a leading international healthcare provider. It was established in 1995 in Poland to satisfy the growing demand for high-quality medical services. Afterwards, Medicover gradually expanded to other countries with the same mission and purpose.

Medicover is one of the most reputable medical brands having its facilities in 16 countries worldwide – Germany, Sweden, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Britain, Serbia, Moldova, Ukraine and India.

• 26 Hospitals

• 125 medical centres

• 16 fertility centres in India and Europe

• 2500 beds

• 6.1 million medical visits

• 2 million patients served per year

• 6 public-private partnerships

• 91 medical labs

• 92 million lab tests per year

• 25,000 employees

blue and white brand logo of Medicover
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