Egg Donor Screening

Egg Donor Screening Process

Our egg donor screening process is aligned with strict quality requirements and operational procedures. We examine donors according to the international ART associations guidelines: EU-Tissue Directive 2004/23/CE, 2006/17/EC. 

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doctor with a purple set of test tubes putting a substance in one of the tubes

How Are Potential Egg Donors Screened?

Lab and diagnostics tests:

  • Blood type, Rh factor
  • HIV-1 Ag р24 and summary antibodies, including group О and HIV-2 (ECLIA)
  • Treponema pallidum, summary antibodies
  • PCR HBV (Real-time)
  • PCR HCV (Real-time)
  • PCR, Chlamydia trachomatis (genital swab)
  • PCR. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (genital swab)
  • Сomplete blood count
  • Coagulogram
  • CMV, IgМ
  • CMV, IgG
  • AMH, MIS
  • LH
  • Estradiol (E2)
  • FSH
  • Vaginal smear
  • PAP-test
  • Psychological counselling

Genetic tests:

  • Karyotype
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Fragile X
  • SMA

Egg Donor Genetic Testing

Ovoria egg donor bank offers the possibility of Extended egg donor testing, which is an extensive analysis with a 400+ panel carrier screen identifying specific autosomal recessive and X-linked diseases. This information can help patients learn about their risk of having a child with specific genetic conditions.

NGS sequencing of 418 genes (not hos-spon mutations) of most common recessive genetic disorders, including CNV for 33 genes:

  • Cx26
  • CFTR
  • PAH
  • SMN1
  • DMD
  • CYP21A2
  • GBA
  • HBA1,2
  • HEXA
visualization of a string of DNA code made of drops of water
doctor with hands in protective gloves holding a negative covid test

Covid-19 Testing

Covid-19 testing is mandatory for all egg donors listed in our database. The test is carried out twice during a stimulation cycle – within 30 days before oocytes retrieval and on the day of oocytes retrieval. Covid-19 testing is performed with a rapid Antigen Test for SARS-CoV-2. We also have the possibility to perform PCR testing upon request.

Egg Donor Process Step-by-Step

The Egg Donor Process Step-by-Step is your comprehensive guide to becoming an egg donor for IVF. This carefully orchestrated journey begins with an initial consultation. Upon medical approval, you'll have the opportunity to choose between open and anonymous donor status. Ensuring both your health and genetic suitability, our thorough assessments provide the foundation for your contribution. 

1. Initial Consultation

At the very beginning, the potential egg donor visits the medical centre for the initial consultation. The initial phase of medical screening often starts with a fertility assessment, confirming the donor's ovarian capacity to produce eggs. This involves a comprehensive evaluation, including physical and pelvic examinations, ultrasounds, and a blood draw for AMH to assess hormone levels. Lastly, the donor is referred to a psychologist and doctor to talk about the whole egg donation process. 

2. Open vs. Anonymous status 

After medical approval, the donor receives further details that also include the possibility for her to choose between open and anonymous egg donor status. Open status implies that the recipient of the donated egg and the donor are aware of each other's identity, while an anonymous status ensures full anonymity of the donor.  If all involved parties agree, the medical centre and donor sign a contract.

3. Family Medical History

Afterwards, our coordinators check the medical history of the donor’s family going back to three generations. The purpose of this analysis is to ensure that there have been no serious genetic diseases in the past, and that there thus is a reduced risk related to the transfer of hereditary diseases from the donor to the baby. 

4. Donor Assessment

Our doctors carry out a thorough examination to confirm a suitable health condition of the donor, absence of any abnormalities and hereditary diseases. This includes a check for infectious diseases such as AIDS, COVID-19, Chlamydia, and hepatitis B and C. Blood and urine samples are collected and tested for infectious and genetically recessive diseases. Besides, a chromosome analysis is performed. The results go through the assessment and approval of our geneticist. Also, the donor does a personality test.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you provide original documents with the results of egg donor tests?

    We have a donor profile that includes all information about the donor`s examination. In exceptional cases, we can provide the original documents with the results of egg donor tests.

  • In which laboratories do you perform egg donor screening?

    All common tests are carried out at the Synevo laboratory, genetic tests – at the Nadiya laboratory. Both labs are certified according to the international standards.

  • Which gene disorders do you screen donors for?

    We examine our donors for Karyotype, Cystic Fibrosis, Fragile X, SMA.

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