Research shows that breast cancer is the second highest cause of cancer-related deaths for women globally. Thus, learning some facts about this disease is crucial. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the types, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer. Additionally, it will be addressed whether you can protect yourself from breast cancer.
Breast cancer is a disease that manifests in abnormal and uncontrolled growth of breast cells into lumps. Cancer cells develop in the milk-producing lobules and milk ducts before multiplying and spreading to adjacent breast tissue and lymph nodes. If untreated, the cancer cells can spread beyond the breasts to the rest of the body and become life-threatening. However, if it is detected early, breast cancer is treatable.
Breast cancer can present many different symptoms. The most common breast cancer signs include the following:
The presence of growths or swelling in the armpits or breasts is the most common indication of breast cancer. The affected tissue often feels different from adjacent tissue.
Breast cancer can lead to observable variations in the breast shape or size. You may notice shrinkage, asymmetry, or swelling in either or both breasts.
Although this may not be an obvious indication of cancer, you should schedule a medical evaluation if you experience persistent, localised pain or tenderness in your breast.
Another primary cancer symptom is changes in breast skin appearance. The changes may be skin puckering or dimpling, redness or thickening.
You should notice any unexplained nipple changes with great concern. Such changes include unusual discharge that isn't breast milk, nipple inversion, texture, or shape changes.
It is crucial to note that having these symptoms is not necessarily an indication that you have cancer. The signs can be a result of other non-cancerous conditions. Therefore, you should consult your healthcare provider for further screening and diagnosis if you observe any unusual changes.
There is no known sole cause of breast cancer, but several common factors are associated with the disease. Although these factors do not warrant cancer development, they are essential for prevention and early detection. Some potential causes of breast cancer include:
Research has revealed some cases where breast cancer runs in families. Thus, you are more likely to develop breast cancer if you have a close relative, such as a sister or mother, with the disease. Also, some inherited genetic mutations substantially increase the probability of breast cancer development.
Having certain non-cancerous diseases of the breast, like lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) or atypical hyperplasia, can increase your likelihood of getting breast cancer. Also, previous chest area radiotherapy treatment for complications such as Hodgkin's lymphoma can lead to the development of breast cancer.
Studies reveal that prolonged lifetime exposure to progesterone and oestrogen hormones contributes to an increased breast cancer risk. Therefore, early menstruation onset (under 12 years of age) and late menopause (beyond 55) can potentially cause breast cancer. Also, women above 30 who have never gotten pregnant are at a higher risk.
Statistics show that breast cancer risk rises with age. Although you can get breast cancer at any age, most diagnosed cases are above 50 years.
Having dense breast tissue makes mammography imaging challenging, increasing the chances of developing breast cancer. The breast tissue will appear thicker and less fatty, and abnormalities or small lumps may be hard to detect.
Some lifestyle choices, such as alcohol abuse, a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity can potentially contribute to breast cancer development. You can reduce this risk by making healthy lifestyle choices like exercising regularly and avoiding alcohol.
There are various breast cancer types, each with different behaviours and characteristics. Some common types of breast cancer include:
DCIS is a non-invasive early-stage breast cancer. This type of cancer is characterised by the presence of malignant cells only in the milk ducts and has a high survival rate.
This type of cancer grows in the milk ducts before invading adjacent tissue. IDC has the highest prevalence and can spread throughout the body if left untreated.
LCIS develops in the milk glands and is often considered non-cancerous. However, its presence indicates an increased risk of invasive breast cancer. LCIS is not detectable by mammography.
ILC is an invasive type of cancer that develops in the milk lobules, spreading to surrounding tissue and other body parts if untreated. Although ILC is less common than IDC, they have common characteristics.
This kind of cancer is less common; it develops in the milk ducts and then spreads to the areola and nipples, causing itching, crusting, and redness in the nipple area.
This aggressive and rare breast cancer type progresses rapidly and is characterised by breast inflammation, swoleness, and redness.
These are rare benign tumours that grow in the breast connective tissue with the potential of becoming cancerous if untreated.
The process of diagnosing breast cancer involves various stages that help identify the presence and magnitude of the disease. Let's look at the process step by step.
Staging: cancer staging involves establishing the spread and extent of cancer in the body. Staging aids in disease prognosis, planning, and identifying the most suitable treatment approach. The process entails evaluating several factors, including tumor size, distant metastasis presence, and lymph node involvement, to assign or identify the stage of cancer (from stages 1 to 4).
There are various breast cancer treatment options, and each option is suitable for specific tumour characteristics. They include:
Breast cancer treatment is highly personalised, and the doctor may apply a combination of these treatment options for optimal results, depending on your situation.
While there is no guaranteed way to prevent breast cancer, there are some measures you can take to minimise your risk of developing the disease. However, it is essential to note that, unfortunately, some people get it regardless of their best preventive actions.
Here are some of the tips that can potentially help reduce your risk of breast cancer:
Breast cancer is among the most significant global health concerns and the second leading cancer death cause for women. Being breast aware is crucial in early detection and recognition of symptoms of breast cancer, which include unusual changes in the look and feel of the breast.
There is no proven breast cancer cause, but some factors such as age, family history, hormonal factors, and unhealthy lifestyle choices can increase your chances of developing the disease. Breast cancer is treatable if diagnosed early. Your doctor will determine the appropriate treatment strategy depending on the diagnosis findings.
Although breast cancer is not preventable, taking steps like regular breast self-exams, routine clinical exams, and screening alongside healthy lifestyle choices can significantly reduce your risk of developing the disease.
This type of breast cancer contains no progesterone or oestrogen receptors (PR and ER) and doesn't produce excessive HER2 protein.
Secondary breast cancer is cancer that has spread from the breast to another body part such as the brain, lungs, bones, or liver.
The American Cancer Society data shows that triple-negative breast cancer has the highest recurrence rate.
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