Ovoria donor egg bank provides its activities as a part of business structure of Medicover group - pan-European healthcare holding, which enlists 120 clinics and medical facilities around the world (https://www.medicover.com/).
Ovoria is a science-driven, customer-oriented worldwide egg donor bank. We are making new life possible by offering the highest quality donor oocytes for intended parents and fertility clinics. The Ovoria egg bank unveiles the best standards in oocytes vitrification, thawing and distribution all over the world.
Combining the cutting edge cryo solutions, rigorous egg donor screening using extended genetic testing of 400+ gene disorders, Ovoria becomes the leading egg donor bank on the market. It is a licensed tissue centre that is operating according to the European Tissue Directive, Human Fertility and Embryology Authority (HFEA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Egg donor screening and genetic testing are performed according to the international ART associations requirements.
Ovoria has its own clinical facilities based on Medicover fertility clinic in Ukraine where the complex egg donor process is managed: egg donor recruitment, screening, oocytes retrieval, vitrification, storage and distribution. We offer a comprehensive solution: from oocytes vitrification to the delivery of biomaterial to the customer clinic.
James Barr,
Managing Director, Fertility Services, Medicover Group
Uliana Yarynych,
General Manager, Medicover Ukraine
Ovoria Egg Bank
Medicover Group
Antonovycha street, 102
79057 Lviv, Ukraine
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