Reference/partner clinics of Ovoria egg bank get a variety of benefits for their patients.
If your clinic would like to establish its own egg donor bank, we will ensure the large egg donor selection and the highest quality of frozen donor oocytes. As a reference clinic, you will have the possibility of free training for your embryo lab staff according to the vitrification and warming protocols used in our bank. Training will be managed by the Ovoria embryologist within the first oocytes delivery to your clinic. You will just need to select the donors, oocytes number and contact the Ovoria coordinators to finalize the order and shipping details. To offer oocytes survival and embryo guarantee, we should first supervise the oocytes vitrification and thawing internal protocols at your clinic.
To provide all patients with the maximum benefits, we perform periodic laboratory audits. This is necessary to make sure that the clinics are following all the protocols and procedures in the same way we do. This helps us analyze the embryological effectiveness of the IVF units where donor oocytes from the Ovoria bank were used. Also, we provide written reports on the results of the audits and give recommendations for the clinics on the improvement of their performance. Our embryologist analyses all reclamation forms provided by Ovoria partner clinics and we work together to achieve better results further on.
You can always refer your patients to our website – where intended parents can easily select egg donors through our online
egg donor catalogue. After registering, they will get access to childhood and adult donor photos, egg donor profiles, medical history, etc.
Ovoria Egg Bank
Medicover Group
Antonovycha street, 102
79057 Lviv, Ukraine
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