It's hard to describe the feeling of holding a newborn baby in your arms. For parents who have gone through IVF, seeing your baby is an even more special occasion. Parents have been through several emotional ups and downs, but now their hard work has paid off. All the months of visiting the hospital and undergoing various medical treatments have finally culminated in a baby.
While some couples, after having one child, don't think of getting another, the same is not valid with other couples who have endured years of IVF treatment to get one child. However, sometimes, some couples return to the fertility clinic after seven years, saying that they would like to have another child. Usually, it occurs as a companion or a playmate for their other child.
1. The Determining Factor
2. Frozen Embryos for Second Baby
3. Second IVF Success Rate
Age factor plays an enormous role in female fertility. A woman's fertility gradually decreases with age. That's why it is essential to start preparing for the next child as soon as possible. The less time elapses between the first child and the preparation for the next child; the higher is your opportunity.
The fertility rate is a crucial factor in determining the age through IVF. Therefore, most IVF specialists suggest that couples are planning a second child to plan sooner.
Women who have frozen eggs have a higher chance of IVF success than those who didn't. Freezing eggs can cost money, but it also helps improve a woman's chances of IVF success in the future and helps improve odds for a second IV.
It's natural for women to get pregnant with frozen embryos to be considerably higher than with fresh embryos. That's because the quality of egg and sperm declines with age, so the embryo that women get from them will also be of lower quality.
Even if a woman has a history of IVF success, that doesn't mean successful IVF will be guaranteed. However, because of woman's success IVF history, there're more opportunities of getting pregnant again.
After having the first Ivf child, many families may feel the desire to try for a second. However, the first IVF experience can be emotionally draining, and couples feel glad that it is finally over. Having experienced success with one IVF baby makes the family hopeful for a second time. It is essential to plan another attempt as soon as possible to increase the chances of another successful pregnancy following successful IVF.
Ovoria Egg Bank
Medicover Group
Antonovycha street, 102
79057 Lviv, Ukraine
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