Finding the right and perfect egg donor sometimes can be difficult. Ovoria Egg Bank makes this process as straightforward as possible by providing potential parents access to the largest database of donor eggs. Moreover, we guarantee an 80% survival rate for the set of 6 oocytes. 2 embryos are guaranteed to collect eight oocytes and three embryos for 12 oocytes.
Ovoria Egg Bank select and check all potential donors in accordance with quality requirements and operational procedures. We examine donors according to the international ART associations guidelines: EU-Tissue Directive 2004/23/CE, 2006/17/EC.
All our egg donors are screened for the following lab and diagnostics tests:
Also we screen donor for genetic tests:
We offer the possibility of Extended egg donor testing, which is an extensive analysis with a 400+ panel carrier screen identifying specific autosomal recessive and X-linked diseases. This information can help patients learn about their risk of having a child with specific genetic conditions.
NGS sequencing of 418 genes (not hos-spon mutations) of most common recessive genetic disorders, including CNV for 33 genes:
Our mission is to be a science-driven worldwide egg bank that helps couples to become parents. First of all, we are caring about safety to make new life possible by offering the highest quality donor oocytes for intended parents and fertility clinics.
Find out more about egg donor screening
Ovoria Egg Bank
Medicover Group
Antonovycha street, 102
79057 Lviv, Ukraine
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