When a couple is trying to conceive, whether naturally or using an assisted reproductive technology (ART), the female tends to be hyper-aware of what's going on in her body. Minor changes are noticed, and excitement is felt over what could be a sign of pregnancy or a sign of something wrong.
Implantation bleeding is light vaginal bleeding that occurs about 10 to 14 days after conception. We can explain this process like a body's way of preparing for pregnancy. Implantation bleeding happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. Implementation bleeding usually occurs around the time when a woman is expecting her periods. Most women are experiencing implantation bleeding, think they have a normal period, but they might not generally realize that they are pregnant. The most frequently asked question is how long does implantation bleeding? It lasts only one or 2 days.
What do we need to know about the differences between pregnancy bleeding and period bleeding? Very often, it is hard to differentiate pregnancy bleeding from the period. On which signs do we need to pay attention to understanding the difference?
In case if woman start to see changes in her menstrual periods, she needs to contact a healthcare provider who will provide medical advice.
One of the early pregnancy symptoms is implantation bleeding which lasts for a few days. Because the bleeding occurs near the time of a woman's period, many women are confused about whether it's a possible pregnancy or a period.
There is a list of common signs of implantation bleeding:
There are many reasons which can cause implantation bleeding:
It is crucial always to keep monitoring all changes in your body. Moreover, it's necessary to use the ovulation calendar to track menstrual cycles when a woman is ready for ovulation to determine the better days for conceiving or avoiding the pregnancy and for having a regular period. The ovulation calendar will show if something wrong happens with your body. If a woman is experiencing bleeding for a few days that are not typical for her or doesn't look like a menstrual period, and the woman starts to worry about her condition, it is better to contact her health provider to receive medical attention.
Ovoria Egg Bank
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