It can be like taking a roller-coaster ride when you have trouble getting pregnant. You're excited to begin the journey of trying to get pregnant. But when you get your period every month, it may be disheartening and frustrating. And this is a common problem.
According to the research, around 84% of couples have problems conceiving after at least 12 months of regular unprotected sex.
But if the couple is trying to conceive for a few months and simultaneously thinking about infertility problems, there are some tips for getting pregnant. Using these tips will not guarantee getting pregnant but can increase the chances of pregnancy.
Some tips can increase your opportunity for getting pregnant faster and naturally.
Since fertility problems often occur in both men and women, both partners should follow the tips in the article.
For a woman, it is essential to know when her ovulation occurs for getting pregnant or prevent pregnancy to see when a woman has the most fertile window during the cycle. The most effective and natural way for conceiving is tracking ovulation. Thanks to this information, a woman can have sex on the few days before and when she has ovulation. Also, it is essential to recognize and notice the signs of ovulation while planning the family. Every woman is different, so the symptoms of ovulation can vary, but there is a list of possible symptoms of ovulation:
If you tend to have a regular menstrual cycle, you likely ovulate two weeks before your period or fourteen days before. Tracking ovulation is necessary for tracking a woman's health to know a fertile window and recognize problems with a woman's body.
There is a list of possible techniques for monitoring and predicting ovulation;
Before getting pregnant, you may want to get a checkup, including chickenpox, measles, and hepatitis tests. Your doctor may also recommend supplements, including folic acid, for pregnant women. It would be best if you got sufficient folate before getting pregnant--it's essential during the initial months of pregnancy. It prevents congenital disabilities, so taking a folate supplement is necessary.
If you are overweight, you may have trouble conceiving. In women, excess fat produces more estrogen, which interferes with ovulation. Research suggests that overweight women can take twice as long to conceive as women with average weight. Male obesity can further reduce a couple's likelihood of conceiving by interfering with sperm viability, concentration, and male hormones. It is also essential to maintain an average weight to conceive naturally.
The link between smoking and getting pregnant is firmly connected. Smoking can also affect female and male reproductive systems, leading to infertility problems. According to the Journal of Biosocial Science studies, smoking affects conceiving and increases chances for conception. Moreover, smoking can increase the risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. Healthy pregnancy always begins with a fertilized egg and attaches to the uterus lining, but in an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg can connect to the fallopian tube, cervix or ovary within the abdominal area.
Moreover, ectopic pregnancy can show the positive result of pregnancy tests, providing false results. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, every 50 couples can suffer from ectopic pregnancy at least once during their lifetime. Besides having an ectopic pregnancy, there is an increased risk of having miscarriages or infant morality because of changes in the female reproductive system. Smoking can also affect the uterus, which will lead to difficulty with embryo implantation to the uterus. But besides the impact on the female reproductive system, smoking can also affect male reproductive health and provide low sperm motility, leading to infertility problems and issues with conceiving because of chances of sperm quality and count. In the case of planning a family and getting pregnant, it is essential to quit smoking to increase the chances of getting pregnant in a natural way. If the couple has been trying to get pregnant for more than 12 months with the unprotected sexual course, it is time to visit a fertility specialist for finding out the reasons for problems with conceiving.
The European multicenter study shows that consuming too much caffeine can provide problems with conception in natural ways. S what is the link between caffeine and issues with getting pregnant? Caffeine can affect the body and health with many receptors, such as adrenergic, serotonin, adenosine; during pregnancy, caffeine can affect the woman's uterus. Some studies also show the impact of caffeine on spontaneous abortion and problems with fetal growth. It doesn't mean that women need to stop drinking caffeine, but at least she needs to reduce the amount of caffeine to 3oo mg/d.
According to the studies, drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause miscarriages or even stillbirth and provide intellectual abnormalities in unborn babies. FASDs is a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder that can have an unborn baby whose mother was drinking all during pregnancy. This condition can lead to behavioural and intellectual disabilities or problems such as low body weight, problems with memory, low IQ, problems with coordination, disabilities with ineffectuality, problems with sleeping, problems with bones, heart or kidneys, problems with learning, language delays.
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