Such infertility issues as PCOS, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tube, problems with ovulation can be solved with the advanced procedure of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. ART techniques involve such procedures as in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), tubal embryo transfer (TET), intrafallopian gamete transfer (GIFT), intrauterine insemination (IUI), preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), donor conception, surrogacy programs .
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is one the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology. It is a complex series of procedures used to help with fertility or prevent genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child. Compared to other countries in Eastern Europe, Ukraine is the most popular destination for people who are struggling with infertility. Find out more about reasons why it is better to choose Ukraine for IVF treatment.
Egg donation is legally allowed
According to the Ministry of Health in Ukraine, an egg donation is considered a reproductive treatment in which a woman transfers her eggs to a person or couple who needs fertility treatment. Moreover, In Ukraine, egg donation is anonymous. This is, however, not defined in the general law of assisted reproductive technology. In practice, most clinics keep donors’ data private and only give them access to it in an emergency. However, future patients have access to general information such as nationality, height, weight, eye colour, hair colour, blood type, or Rh factor.
There are some law aspects, why most couples choose Ukraine for IVF treatment:
According to the Ukrainian law there are some requirements for screening and testing for potential donors:
Unfortunately, Ukrainian law doesn’t allow IVF treatment for same-sex male couples.
Reputable and modern IVF clinics with high-quality medical services
Ukrainian fertility clinics Ovoria Egg Bank is a science-driven egg donor bank. That’s why we implement the best donor traceability system, vitrification and thawing solutions by following the latest Kitazato recommendations. Our embryologists and fertility doctors study regularly ESHRE, ASRM egg donation scientific publications and guidelines.
By choosing Ovoria Egg Bank, you will get:
Our highly experienced team of professionals includes fertility specialists, embryologists, geneticists who have academic degrees in medicine and are members of ESHRE, ASRM and UARM. They have constantly improved their knowledge and skills, implementing cutting-edge techniques to turn your dream of a happy family into reality.
Cheap in vitro fertilisation cost
One of the main reasons people decide to travel to Ukraine is the low cost of treatment. Generally, The cost of some infertility procedures is higher in Western Europe or the UK. For example, a single IVF cycle costs around 4800 USD, including the charge of medication and hormonal injections.
Ovoria Egg Bank
Medicover Group
Antonovycha street, 102
79057 Lviv, Ukraine
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