IVF babies are no different from naturally conceived babies. Misconceptions about IVF are rampant, as the process is relatively new and still poorly understood. Many people have the misconception that children born from IVF treatments aren't healthy and normal. There is opposition to the IVF model of creating life, as it involves technical expertise and surgical procedures. Opponents believe that children created this way are not as regular as those born naturally.
This misconception has been perpetuated by ignorance and holds no truth. Babies conceived from IVF treatment are just like other children as far as their physical attributes and mental capacity are concerned. And they come into the world in the same way – carried in the womb of their mother (or a surrogate mother) for nine months until delivered by a doctor.
The process of getting pregnant after IVF is as normal as it happens in the case of sexual intercourse between partners. One must understand that the ART technology that is used during the IVF treatment stands for Assisted Reproductive Technology, and not for Artificial Reproductive Technology. There are only a few differences between IVF and the natural process: in IVF, the sperm and egg are fertilized in a lab under the supervision of experienced doctors, and then they're placed in a uterus.
Infertility is a common problem for couples when the male is unable to produce sperm or the female is unable to produce eggs of high quality. Sometimes, one or both partners have blocked fallopian tubes. In vitro fertilization, the fertilization of an egg outside the body is an alternative to sexual intercourse.
Ovoria Egg Bank
Medicover Group
Antonovycha street, 102
79057 Lviv, Ukraine
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