There are many reasons why people may want to undergo fertility treatments. In-vitro fertilization(IVF) and intrauterine insemination(IUI) are fertility treatments used to help patients suffering from infertility. Usually, people get wrong about IUI and IVF treatment.
The main difference between these two procedures is that IUI is a process in which sperm is injected into the uterus to the implant, and IVF is a procedure that takes place outside the body and results in the transferred embryo to implant.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a method of artificial insemination for treating infertility. The sperm, which have been washed and concentrated, are carefully placed inside the uterus when the ovary releases one or more eggs for fertilization.
The desired result of intrauterine insemination (IUI) is for sperm to reach the fallopian tubes and fertilize a waiting egg. According to your reasons for infertility, IUI can be coordinated with your normal cycle or with fertility medications.
In-vitro fertilization is the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology. It is a complex series of procedures used to help with fertility or prevent genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child. The process of having an IVF cycle consists of getting mature eggs from the ovaries, fertilizing them with sperm in a lab, transferring the embryo to a uterus, and finally waiting for a time period.
The process of IUI consists of 6 steps:
The process of IVF consists of 5 steps:
Nowadays, male infertility is becoming more and more common. 40% of the couples who face problems with not being able to conceive naturally have a male infertility problem, which can be easily treated. The most common male infertility problem is low sperm count. In the case of low sperm count, Intra-Uterine Insemination is a popular treatment. Collecting semen involves asking a male partner to provide a sample, processing it, and then injecting it into an egg. Once it's ready, the semen sample is washed and inserted into the uterus.
Once the washed sperm is released into the fallopian tube, it will travel to the fallopian tube to meet the female oocyte (egg). It is a type of treatment that is suitable for cases of low sperm count and unexplained infertility.
Moreover, IUI is recommended for women with PCOD and mild endometriosis. With this procedure, the doctor injects washed male sperm into the uterus when the egg is ready. IUI is also recommended in a woman who has hostile cervical mucus.
IVF treatment is recommended for women who suffer from infertility issues. There are a variety of problems that women could have that prevent them from conceiving, ranging from ovulation disorders to hormonal problems to cysts in the ovaries to endometriosis and blocked fallopian tubes.
In vitro fertilization has proven to be the most successful fertility treatment, and its popularity is more significant than all other fertility treatments. This is because IVF can help patients with any fertility problem to have a baby.
Ovoria Egg Bank
Medicover Group
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