To determine whether your IVF procedure and the cycle was successful, you'll go through several tests to pinpoint the cause of your infertility. Once that's done, the doctor will discuss fertility treatments options with you, and together rely on the reasons for infertility, you'll decide which treatment will be more suitable and successful for you. You take all the prescribed medication by your fertility specialist. During the first step, eggs are removed by a needle after taking hormone shots to make your eggs mature. The semen sample is submitted for testing. The embryo is made in the lab and kept for a few days before the IVF procedure. In the last step during the IVF cycle, the matured embryo is transferred to the uterus through a catheter.
What do you need then? After this appointment, your doctor will tell you about the precautions to take for the next two weeks until your next meeting. At that visit, we'll do a pregnancy test. These last two weeks of your IVF treatment are crucial to the outcome of the whole procedure. During these weeks, patients should be very cautious about their health and follow the doctor's instructions. The success of your IVF treatment depends on your compliance. The time leading up to the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure was an exciting experience. However, the two weeks waiting for results are also crucial. The physical and emotional reactions differ from patient to patient during this 2ww (two-week wait). Some of the most common responses to this treatment are:
Incitation: The couple is excited about the prospect of having a baby and cannot wait for the 2ww to be over. Though most doctors prepare their patients for failure, every patient only thinks of success. They begin to discuss preparations they need to make for the baby, such as buying clothing and specific products. They also start preparing for pregnancy by purchasing guidebooks on the subject.
Anxiety: The patient is nervous about the outcome and fears failure of the IVF procedure. They are filled with dread and generally maintain a negative disposition. This is not conducive for implantation as emotions that resonate in the body cause reactions accordingly. The fear of failure can negatively impact the body, causing procedures to be unsuccessful. Doctors advise remaining calm and focusing on positive things during the 2ww.
Disobedience: A woman's attitude after an IVF procedure can be very nonchalant. It is good that she isn't too emotional, but it is also essential to be careful and adhere to health precautions at this time. Doctors tell patients on fertility treatments not to engage in any activity that might hamper the embryo's successful implantation.
Contingent: Some women have such a cavalier attitude after the IVF procedure that it is as if they could not care less. This attitude may be good in that it does not evoke uncomfortable emotions, but it may cause the patient to take her health for granted, and she may neglect to follow the doctor's orders regarding precautions that are crucial at this time. Doctors advise patients not to do anything that may hinder the embryo's implantation if it doesn't occur within a certain period.
After two weeks of pregnancy, the HCG hormone is tested for. The trophectoderm cells of the embryo produce the hormone once it implants. A high level of HCG hormone is required for a positive pregnancy test. The HCG level begins to increase on the day of implantation rapidly. Implantation can take anywhere from 3 to 8 days, depending on the type of transfer.
The 2-weeks wait is a significant time, and patients should be sure to follow their doctor's instructions to help ensure a successful IVF procedure.
Ovoria Egg Bank
Medicover Group
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