A donor's eggs are often the only opportunity for intended parents struggling with infertility issues and wanting to have a child. Usually, donor eggs are used in cases where a woman's eggs are of poor quality or when the egg cells do not produce their cells because of egg development abnormalities, absence, premature depletion of the function of the egg, menopause or other medical conditions.
egg donor is a woman who donates an egg, or oocyte, to another woman to help her conceive.
Egg donation is a good option for women who can't use their eggs for various reasons, including ovarian failure, endometriosis, mature age, uterine fibroids, bulky uterus, PCOS or poor quality eggs
An anonymous donor is a donor whose personal information is hidden and should not be disclosed. The donor's photo is not available in their profile. The donor does not get any information about the recipient of the cycle where her biological material is used.
When choosing the anonymous donor, the recipient (patient or IVF clinic) undertakes not to perform any actions to disclose the donor's personality and avoid contacting her.
An open ID egg donor gave her consent to the processing and sharing her identity data, i.e., full name, country, city and address, contact phone number and email address. Identification information of the donor with a "non-anonymous" status is sent to the clinic or corresponding authority that regulates the importation of biological material for infertility treatment in the particular country.
Our egg donors meet the following criteria:
32 years
Ukrainian law sets the limit of 8 stimulation cycles
IVF treatment has many benefits, a good record for safety and success, but it can also have serious risks. Before starting the IVF cycle, it is essential to get familiar with all risks and complications. There are a few complications connected with being an egg donor:
Lab and diagnostics tests include:
Genetic tests include:
First visit.The first visit consists of:
The donor will take a complete blood count as well as a test for blood type and Rh. Moreover, her blood sample will be used for extensive genetic screening. It is required to exclude the possibility of the donor being a carrier of genetic illnesses inherited by a future child.
Second visit. Interview with a donor. Psychological assessment
If the level of AMH is enough for egg donation, donor candidates will complete a comprehensive questionnaire, including details about family medical history. The donor will also undergo a psychological assessment to ensure her emotional stability. One of the mandatory requirements is signing a contract with the medical centre about participating in the egg donation program. In this way, the donor gets informed about the flow of the whole procedure, her rights and obligations. Moreover, by signing the contract, she gives consent to donate the oocytes and undertakes to follow the doctor's prescriptions and take the necessary medical tests.
Gynaecological evaluation:
Blood screening
The donor will take a complete blood count as well as a test for blood type and Rh. Moreover, her blood sample will be used for extensive genetic screening. It is required to exclude the possibility of the donor being a carrier of genetic illnesses inherited by a future child.
Monitoring & Stimulation
The donor will have several appointments with the doctor for an ultrasound check to make sure she is ready to begin two weeks of hormonal medications. If her ovaries are prepared, she will start taking stimulation medications injected under the skin through tiny needles. They are required to facilitate the maturation of more than one egg. There will also be about 3-5 additional clinical visits to monitor the donor's ovarian response to the medications.
Egg Retrieval procedure
After about 10-13 days of controlled ovarian stimulation, the donor will be scheduled for egg retrieval. The day and time of egg retrieval process are based on her ovarian response to the medications. The procedure takes place under general anaesthesia. The oocytes are retrieved vaginally under ultrasound control. Because of the anaesthesia, the whole egg donor cycle will not be painless for the donor. On the day of egg retrieval, she is recommended to be off work and have a rest.
Post-retrieval period
After egg retrieval, the donor may feel some cramping or fatigue similar to the period symptoms. In this way, she can take painkillers without a doctor's prescription. Most donors get back to work and normal activities within a day or two after egg retrieval.
Reimbursement and embryo transfer
The donor will receive her reimbursement for the donation cycle on egg retrieval or the next day once we get an embryological report.
Birth control will not affect your status as a donor. You can continue to use all forms of non-hormonal birth control during the egg donation process. In addition, birth control pills, patches, and rings are allowed.
Yes, you can become an egg donor and donate your eggs if you have IUD devices.
We examine our donors for Karyotype, Cystic Fibrosis, Fragile X, SMA.
All donors take the covid-19 test in the donation program.
All standard tests are carried out at the Synevo laboratory, genetic tests – at the Nadiya laboratory. Both labs are certified according to international standards.
We have a donor profile that includes all information about the donor's examination. In exceptional cases, we can provide the original documents with the results of egg donor tests.
A child of the recipient can contact a medical centre for information. The child should provide a birth certificate or other documents confirming the relationship with the recipients as well as copies of the parent's passports. After passing the identification, he will be able to receive the donor's data (full name, last known address, donor's message to the child).
Ovoria Egg Bank
Medicover Group
Antonovycha street, 102
79057 Lviv, Ukraine
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