Egg donation is the process of assisted reproductive treatment where a woman donates eggs to enable another woman to conceive. Usually, this type of treatment involves In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) technology with fresh or frozen eggs.
The process of egg donation consists of 5 steps:
Step 1. Matching
You can book the oocytes at Ovoria Egg Bank by filling in the registration form on our website. By creating an account on our website, you will access the egg donor profiles. After choosing an egg donor, our specialist will confirm that the donor is available, and the process starts. Then the woman will get a list of all the examinations she needs to have.
Step 2. Screening and monitoring for the donor and recipients
During this step, the doctor will begin ovarian stimulation with the donor, but meanwhile, it's time to prepare the uterine lining with a hormone called Estradiol Valerate. Our doctors will control this process remotely, and at the end of this, female patients will have to do ultrasound scans.
Step 3. Egg retrieval
During egg retrieval, also known as egg collection, the egg will be retrieved from the donor and fertilized by injection of the partner's sperm. The sperm used can either be freshly delivered in the clinic or a frozen sample from previous delivery. After fertilization, embryos are cultivated for up to 5 days and then ready for transfer to the recipient's uterus.
Step 4. Embryo transfer
During the embryo transfer stage, the doctor will retrieve the egg from the lab and insert it into the uterus of the intended mother with the goal of starting a pregnancy.
Step 5. Pregnancy test
Two weeks after the previous stage, the intended mother will have to do a blood test for HCG. If it's positive – the treatment was successful and the patient is pregnant. The doctor will prescribe her medicines until your ultrasound scan for the next two weeks.
Egg donation can be helpful in a few cases:
Our egg donors meet the following criteria:
For more extensive information, you can read about our egg donor requirements in detail.
The first visit consists of:
The donor will take a complete blood count, blood type, and Rh test. Moreover, her blood sample will be used for extensive genetic screening. It is required to exclude the possibility of the donor being a carrier of genetic illnesses inherited by a future child.
Second visit: Interview with a donor and Psychological assessment
If the level of AMH is enough for egg donation, donor candidates will complete a comprehensive questionnaire, including details about family medical history. The donor will also undergo a psychological assessment to ensure her emotional stability. One of the mandatory requirements is signing a contract with the medical centre about participating in the egg donation program. In this way, the donor gets informed about the whole procedure, her rights, and her obligations. Moreover, by signing the contract, she gives consent to donate the oocytes and agrees to follow the doctor's prescriptions, as well as to take the necessary medical tests.
The gynecological evaluation of the donor includes:
Blood screening: The donor's blood will be analyzed, and the complete blood count, blood type, and Rh will be tested. Moreover, her blood sample will be used for extensive genetic screening. It is required to exclude the possibility of the donor being a carrier of genetic illnesses inherited by a future child.
Monitoring & Stimulation: The donor will have several appointments with the doctor for an ultrasound check to make sure she is ready to begin two weeks of hormonal medications. If her ovaries are prepared, she will start taking stimulation medications injected under the skin through tiny needles. They are required to facilitate the maturation of more than one egg. There will also be about 3-5 additional clinical visits to monitor the donor's ovarian response to the medications.
Egg retrieval: After about 10-13 days of controlled ovarian stimulation, the donor will be scheduled for egg retrieval. The day and time of egg retrieval are based on her ovarian response to the medications. The procedure takes place under general anesthesia. The oocytes are retrieved vaginally under ultrasound control. Because of the anesthesia, the whole process will be painless for the donor. On the day of egg retrieval, she is recommended to be off work and rest.
Post-retrieval period: After egg retrieval, the donor may feel some cramping or fatigue similar to the period symptoms. If this is the case, she can take painkillers without a doctor's prescription. Most donors get back to work and normal activities within a day or two after egg retrieval.
Reimbursement: The donor will receive her reimbursement for the donation cycle on egg retrieval or the next day once we get an embryological report.
All our egg donors have been selected and screened by Ovoria quality requirements and operational procedures. According to the international ART associations guidelines, we examine donors by the EU-Tissue Directive 2004/23/CE and 2006/17/EC standards.
Ovarian egg donor bank offers the possibility of Extended egg donor testing, which is an extensive analysis with a 400+ panel carrier screen identifying specific autosomal recessive and X-linked diseases. This information can help patients learn about the risks of having a child with specific genetic conditions. NGS sequencing of 418 genes (not hos-spon mutations) of most common recessive genetic disorders, including CNV for 33 genes:
COVID-19 testing is mandatory for all egg donors listed in our database. The test is carried out twice during a stimulation cycle – within 30 days before oocyte retrieval and on the day of oocyte retrieval. COVID-19 testing is performed with a rapid Antigen Test for SARS-CoV-2. We also can perform PCR testing upon request.
First of all, there is a list of reasons why recipients should choose Ukraine as a destination for In Vitro Fertilization with donor eggs:
A method of assisted reproductive treatment (ART) where a woman donates her eggs to another person who has a fertility problem. According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 787:
For more detailed information, you can visit our page addressing egg donors in Ukraine.
If you want to help other couples start a family and feel a sense of empowerment through enabling others to conceive, you can donate your eggs at Ovoria. Additionally, there are no negative long-term effects associated with the process. For more information, you can either contact us or visit our website.
If you suffer from a diminished ovarian reserve, genetic diseases, or any other factor that results in the inability to conceive naturally, we encourage you to undergo fertility treatment with donated eggs at Ovoria. You can visit our website or contact us for more information about the program.
Although egg donation is legal in the UK, there are several reasons why one should consider travelling to Ukraine for treatment. Firstly, the costs are often considerably lower than in the UK. Additionally, there are many reputable clinics in the country that have medical teams with years of experience in the field. Lastly, success in Ukraine is among the highest in Europe, making it an excellent choice for couples who are considering egg donation programs.
The egg donation process typically spans several weeks to a few months. It involves medical screenings, hormone injections, and the egg retrieval procedure. The exact timeline can vary based on individual circumstances.
The waiting time to find a suitable egg donor can vary widely depending on factors such as your specific criteria and the availability of donors. On average, it may take several weeks to a few months.
Recipients typically undergo medical and psychological evaluations to ensure they are physically and emotionally prepared for the egg donation process. These evaluations help ensure a safe and successful outcome.
Ovoria Egg Bank
Medicover Group
Antonovycha street, 102
79057 Lviv, Ukraine
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