Birth control will help to prevent pregnancy for both men and women. There are many different kinds of birth control, including contraceptives, diaphragms, condoms, etc. The birth control pill is a convenient and straightforward way to prevent pregnancy. Besides avoiding a pregnancy, taking birth control pills also has other benefits like reducing acne, making periods more regular and easing menstrual cramps. So many people who want to prevent pregnancy take the medication by mouth, and when taken correctly, it is up to 99.9% effective.
But taking birth control pills before IVF treatment can sound counterintuitive; during fertility treatments, women are always surprised by hearing this recommendation from a fertility specialist. Taking birth control pills will prepare a woman for the IVF cycle at the begging of the IVF process.
There are few reasons why birth control pills can be recommended by fertility doctor to use before infertility treatment:
If a woman got a recommendation from fertility specialist to take birth control pills before the IVF cycle, she needs to call the first day of her menstrual cycle. The IVF specialist will ask the woman to come to the clinic for an ultrasound and baseline during the next stage. If ultrasound results are expected, a woman can take the birth control pills each evening no later than day 5 of her cycle. Most birth control pills are arranged in four rows. The first three rows are active pills, but the fourth row does not contain any hormones. Therefore, if a woman finishes the third row of medications, she would not take the fourth row but instead start a new pack of pills the next day.
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